Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oct 7: Less than 2 weeks left....

Osoyoos, Canada.
Tofino, Canada. 
I haven't written for a while bc we are all working doubles 6 days a week. We are so short on people, we have people from every other dept. helping out everyday just to get by. There are no hikes or swims to talk about bc none of us have the time despite the perfect indian summer that is still holding out... it has literally been 75 and sunny the entire month of sept and continuing so far all the way into oct which is unheard of... and we cant even enjoy it.... On our 1 day off a week, we sleep. A lot. This last day off I had, I went to bed around 1130 or midnight the night before, after a dinner shift, and didnt wake up the next day until 1145am..... Ridiculous. We dont have much time left, so I just keep thinking about my itinerary following oct 19....

Oct 19: Last day of Yellowstone, drive to Denver where I will drop off all my belongings except clothes. Stay the night in Denver.

Oct 20: Start driving from Denver to Seattle. Hopefully do the full 20 hrs in 1 day. If I dont feel like doing it all, I will stop in Boise ID or so and finish the next day.

Oct 21: Either finish the drive to Seattle or chill in Seattle for a day.

Oct 22: Fly to NYC as a layover (overnight) to Barbados. A night in NYC? Yes please.

Oct 23: Meet up with Robbie, Garrett and Lauren on our flight to Barbados.

Oct 23 - Nov 2: Barbados, sunburns, aloe, cooking meals, running, relaxing, falling asleep (passing out) on the beach overnight (getting stripped naked and robbed), etc.

Nov 2: Back to Seattle through Miami and Dallas, and sleep.

Barbados. This is what I think of everytime I have to work a double.
Nov 3: Take Lola north of the border to Osoyoos Canada and stay a night there.

Nov 4: Drive to Vancouver and Tofino... This is where the schedule gets hazy....

Nov 4 - 6: Tofino and Vancouver area.

Nov 7 - 22: Seattle, Olympic Nat Park, Portland, San Francisco, Yosemite Nat Park, LA, San Diego, Phoenix area, Denver, maybe sneak Las Vegas and Crater Lake in there....

Nov 23: Back to STL for Thanksgiving through Xmas.
"Sexy Puzzle"

As far as after the new year, right now I am feeling like I want to skip a winter. I have a friend here who lived in Key West FL and knows a couple people who own 9 or 10 restaurants down there. He said he would call them for me. Not that waiting tables is ideal, but I dont mind it and if it helps me skip a winter, Im all about it. I guess we will just have to see. Who knows, tomorrow I might feel like moving to Canada and working a ski resort, and who knows what this roadtrip will do to my future plans...

Oh, and the picture is of Garrett, Robbie, and me (Barbados crew minus Lauren). We are the hottest new boy band. The name of the band? "Sexy Puzzle."This picture was taken in the Bear Pit, the bar of the Inn, after we worked one night and went and had some drinks with our friend Kim who was the closing bartender.