This past week has been pretty eventful. I served a guy who was in the process of riding his bike (not a motorcycle, a bicycle, but I guess he didn’t specify and I am making this assumption strictly based on his spandex attire) across the US from Oregon to Virginia, went to Idaho Falls Idaho for a night, and my roommate and best friend here, Johnny, is headed back to Arizona already. He got drunk at the employee pub Tuesday night. When he was walking back to the dorm, he was stopped by the security guards. Johnny’s memory is a little hazy, but the Ranger report states that it was at this point when Mr. Singleton informed the security guards that they are not real cops and they should stop acting like it (apparently peppered with expletives). I guess they believed him, bc they called in the real cops, the rangers. They don’t mess around. They ruffed him up a little bit, he has cuts on his temple and his ear from when they threw him to the ground, arrested him and charged him with drunk in public and disorderly conduct. Both federal offenses, both possible $5000 fine and 6 months in federal prison for each. He was hauled all the way to Mammoth (2 hr ride) bc that is the only jail in the park. I stayed in that night, so I just woke up the next morning and he wasn’t in our room. When I went to lunch on Wed, people were asking me if he got arrested, so I went to talk to the rangers about it. I was planning on going to Idaho Falls that day, but wasn’t going to if there was something I could do if he had been arrested, which at this point I was convinced he had been. At first I thought maybe someone convinced him to crash at the dorms by the pub, or maybe he was talking to his gal on the phone in his car and passed out there, who knew. Turns out he was arrested and there was nothing I could do. He had to sit in jail 2 nights waiting to see the judge. I went on to Idaho Falls since I couldn’t do a thing for him. Couldn’t even talk to him. I picked him up Thursday after he saw the judge. He was fined $250 for each misdemeanor (2), fired from his job, and cannot enter the park for 1 year (very applicable punishment for a guy who lives in Arizona and doesn’t intend on coming back). So many people have done so much worse and just got a warning, C Walker for example, sleeping in the crow’s nest. Johnny blew a 0.11. That’s about a drink and a half over the legal limit. This is his first offense of any kind, ever, except one speeding ticket. This is so out of character for him its ridiculous. I think he just said the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong people and they overreacted. He was walking home and about 5 minutes away from passing out in his bed. He wasn’t driving, he wasn’t messing with anyone, he just had a little too much to drink, was probably walking funny, trying to get home, and mouthed off. You should not go to jail or lose your job for that. It’s a shame. I am somewhat happy for Johnny bc it hasn’t been a whole lot of fun for him since he’s been here. He hates the cold, his weekends kept switching bc he does whatever is asked of him so he never really had friends to do things with on most of his weekends, and this kitchen is nothing like the kind of kitchen he wants to work in. Its about quantity not quality here, and it has to be, it’s the 4th busiest restaurant in the US, he knew that coming in. In Arizona, he knows he will find a better place to finish his externship with better experience in the right direction for him. For me, this sucks. I just switched my weekends so he and I could hang out on our weekends. I actually enjoy doing things alone, so its no big, I was just looking forward to hanging with one of my really good friends. It also sucks bc I am gonna get stuck with another roommate. I keep having these visions of coming home from work and all my shit is in a pile on the floor and there is this 8 ft Serbian telling me that he is going to use the armoire from now on, and not in English. I always try to look on the bright side of things, but this one just sucks. The only positive I can come up with is that I will be able to read and run on my weekends much easier now.
Idaho Falls was pretty cool. I didn’t know this, but there are actually falls there, right in the heart of town, pic above. I stayed close to that building in the left of the pic. Quite a Mormon presence there. The other pic is the Tetons in the distance from the Idaho side on the way to Idaho Falls. I stayed at a hotel called Le Ritz (vs. The Ritz), it was the cheapest hotel in the downtown area, and I had a view of the water. Everything was within walking distance, but I got there late bc I was trying to figure out the whole Johnny situation. Apparently people in Idaho don’t like to eat past 8pm. I literally could not find a place open to eat at 9pm. I walked around the falls and the downtown area trying to find an establishment that would serve me anything on a plate. During my search, I was on the phone with the girl from the Le Ritz front desk looking online for the same thing to direct me in my hunt. After 30 minutes of searching and trekking Idaho Falls downtown in its entirety, I was defeated. I wound up at the wine bar that I wanted to visit after I ate. I went in and the waitress was super cool, she made me a cheese and meat plate even though they stopped serving food an hour before. I laid the old, “my roommate got arrested and I got into town late,” bit on her. Works every time. I talked to the staff for a while, all of them were really nice and made a visitor feel welcomed. They told me I should go to another bar called the Frosty Gator, but I had also been told I should go to DB’s. I walked by DB’s, those people were wrong, and it was a hike too. I didn’t even go in. It reminded me of someone who lives in their grandparents’ basement and has people over all the time. Bad vibe. I went to the Frosty Gator and had a beer. At this point I was pretty tired, so I was outta there pretty quick. If it were the real weekend, I think the night life would have been more lively. I assume people from neighboring towns come there to party on the weekends. I was there on a Wednesday, and its still Idaho, so it was just a nice quiet night. The walking around was great. The bars I visited took me all over their downtown, by the falls, and through the paths of the park surrounding the falls. It couldn’t have been any nicer out. 65 or 70, no humidity, clear as could be. Just leisurely strolled back to my room with a view. The next day was all driving. Drove from Idaho Falls to Mammoth to pick Johnny up then back to OF. Started driving at 11am, didn’t get in til after 5pm.
As far as work goes, I will be splitting time between the warehouse and the restaurant starting tomorrow. Its actually on the schedule so they cant F with me about it anymore.