I woke up around 8 or 9am since my schedule wont physically let me sleep later than 9am even if I go to bed at 6am (tested that scenario), Dee Dee had made breakfast, again (I have to say, I really miss home cooked meals. I guess I didn’t realize the extent until I had them for a few days and then forced back to the cafeteria grub. Thanks Dee Dee and Kate, for the food, the info, the hospitality, treating me like family, everything, thank you. Mom, I am sorry I ever gave you any grief as a kid about your cooking. You are an amazing cook. Please mail me some of your stuffing.). I ate, said my thank yous and goodbyes, and set out for a slow drive back to Yellowstone with some stops on the way in Jackson, Moose Junction (GTNP), and Jackson Lake Lodge for lunch.
The weather out here at this time of year is perfection. 50s in the morning quickly warming to 70s by 10 or 11am, no humidity, always a breeze, Im really gonna miss it in a month when it starts snowing again. So I bummed around Jackson for a couple of hours then headed north for a stop or 2. The drive through the Tetons never gets old. They are just as majestic and enthralling as the first time. They are so close to the hwy and so clearly defined by the sun, shadows, and whats left of the snow, you can almost feel the sharp edges and cliffs on a clear day. When I see them now I always think about how bad I want to stand on top of the highest peak in the Tetons (which is Grand Teton Peak, big surprise). The pinnacle usually hangs out in the clouds, but the last few times Ive seen it it’s been like, (Family Guy Community leader/teacher guy voice) “Hey. KP. Cmon up. Look. See, its all clear up here. Nothing to be afraid of but a little snow. Just get your little butt up here and lets have a moment, make a memory. Oh, and whats going on with Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian? They for real?”
My next stop was Jackson Lake Lodge. Jackson Lake and Jenny Lake are the 2 lakes that border the Tetons. So the view from either are great, but Jackson Lake runs along the range, right in front of them. Saw a mother and baby moose on the way to Jackson Lake Lodge. When you walk in the front door of the lodge, it is not unlike a terminal of an airport, which I found odd. I held my judgment until I made my way up the large staircase directly in front of me. I walked up the stairs and bam, there were the Tetons, like a gigantic painting which was actually a wall of windows, pic above. The lobby upstairs was lodge perfection. Big stuffed grizzly and other animals that weren’t bears so who gives a shit about those, leather couches and chairs, low lighting, ‘modern rustic’ if you will, a bar with a patio looking out to the mountains, so neat. I just missed lunch in the main restaurant, so I got a chicken sandwich and a huckleberry shake (life changing) to-go from the throwback ‘50s diner next door to the main restaurant. I took my num nums outside and just lounged in the sun, did some people watching, etc. Now….. I am not a parent, so I cannot judge parents/parenting bc I don’t have a leg to stand on, but it seems a lot of parents are doing it wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, I get that, even the best parents screw up sometimes. Im not saying they are bad parents, but if you tell your kid, “If you don’t stop that right now I am going to leave you here and we’re going home without you!!!” That’s a little messed up. What was more messed up was the other parents and grandparents within earshot nodding to this woman as if to say, “yes ma’am, that’s how you handle this situation. I totally agree with how you are rearing your child.” It proved ineffective bc the kid didn’t stop climbing on the rocks, and I nodded to the child as if to say, “Yes. That’s right. You know she won’t leave you. Climb on, you little shit. She’s being totally unreasonable threatening you like that instead of walking her lazy ass over to you and explaining that you could get hurt on the rocks, or simply distract you with a game, ice cream, an empty promise you will forget about bc your memory span is all of 5 seconds long, or a compromise of some kind for getting off the rocks, or really any other option besides the one she chose, since it seems there is obviously no respect between the 2 of you at all, and by her candor I am witnessing I cant fathom why you wouldn’t……” Again, I am no parent, so I cant judge, but is it that hard to outsmart a child? I guess it is since so many people fail trying and it would also explain the success of “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader.” Lots of epic fails I have personally witnessed in the Stone. Kids on leashes??? Really??? At any given moment you can walk around the geysers and see it. Hahahahaha. I cant wait til those kids grow up and see pics of this vacation, “Was I on a F*CKING leash?!” I think back to when I was a kid, Dave and I were really lucky (now… how lucky Mike WC and Ruby Tues were is a different story, I know now exactly how much of a little shit I was) and Donovan and little Gwen have it as good as it gets. Dave and Colleen, I commend you for your excellent parenting in a sea of parental slobs. It really becomes apPARENT (you see what I did there… with the word….) when you see some of the exchanges here. You set yourselves apart so far from others in your generation attempting to do the same. Kudos. Way off topic… So I walked around the lodge for a few minutes after eating, then hooked back up with Lola for a lazy drive back to Old Faithful with a huge watermelon sucker that warped my face.