Monday, August 23, 2010

Aug 16: Laying Low

Has it really been 2 weeks since Ive posted?? Again, time FLIES here.....

Welcome to the busiest 2 weeks of the year here at Yellowstone! The next 2 weeks are supposed to be very busy, especially this year at the Old Faithful location bc the new monstrous visitor center is opening next week. Lots of big wig CEOs, senators, governors, etc will be in attendance, and rumors that the president himself will make an appearance. Only 8 servers were selected to work the big banquet/cocktail party for all these hot shots, and Kenny P is one of them. I think I got picked bc my travel plans to STL got screwed up and my manager felt bad, but more than likely its bc Im the shit. My goal if the long shot of meeting the president does happen is to make him laugh. Not that cheesy fake laugh he has, but a real one, a belly laugh. I was thinking about saying “And you are……..?” but it’s the president, little too far, gotta show more respect than that. Maybe ask him whose suits he likes better: Kim Jung Il or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? I’d like to see how he would field that one anyway. I wonder if secret service would take my wine key away…. Or tackle me if I tried to open a bottle of wine near the president…. All questions that will go unanswered bc the likelihood of the prez showing up is very slim, but it would be pretty awesome.

Like I said last time, I am taking my weekends pretty easy and keeping it cheap for the upcoming STL trip, so today I caught up on some sleep, worked out, and went for a drive into Montana for the rest of the day. The weather was great, it looked like it could rain but the roads I took kept leading me away from the clouds. I started out the drive to a place in the park that I love. Its near the West entrance, an unmarked gravel road that leads to an open field that leads right up to the Madison River, with a mountain range in Montana off in the distance to the northwest, pic above. I posted up with a book and laid down on a picnic bench close enough to the river that you could hear trout jumping out from time to time. It was really relaxing, except for this one bug that made a clicking noise as it flew around, and it never stopped flying the whole time I was there. Do insects get tired? Don’t they have to? I mean, I was there for over an hour and this guy was cruising around the whole time. I left him alone bc its more his home than mine, but he better watch his ass if he finds himself in my dorm room. Once the rain clouds were imminent, I decided to hit the road into Montana and explore the West Yellowstone airport and other roads I have not yet travelled.

I took some random hwy heading west into Montana that runs along Hebgen Lake. It is so pretty out here. I just drove for a while until I got hungry enough to head back to Yellowstone, pics above.

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