Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Aug 2: Gun Laws? What next, new immigration policy??

The next day we went into town and shopped a little bit. I tried to buy a gun but apparently there are “gun laws”. Whats the big deal with guns? So what if I was drunk when I wanted to buy it? And shirtless? With a sharpie mustache? No, they said bc I was out of state that they would have to mail it back to MO and I could pick it up there. But the salesman offered me a rifle, … “you could walk right out of here with a rifle…” I am still having a little trouble understanding why I can buy an automatic assault rifle, walk right out the door with it and enough ammo to chop down a sequoia, but not a hand gun…. Seems a little counterproductive… After my disappointing gun purchase attempt, we went back to the ranch for some lunch and another hike. This hike was in the opposite direction as the day before. This hike was much more wide open, kind of how I pictured Montana before I got out here. We walked by a few horse ranches, fed some of them, strolled down a road lined with aspen trees, quasi kidnapped a dog who wouldn’t stop following us til its owner drove by and picked him up, got yelled at by a guy on bike, walked down the middle of a road by the Snake River, ran out of water (at the end), it was a lot of fun. When we got back we relaxed on the back deck for a while drinking tons of agua. We went out to eat a little later at a place called Sidewinders and extended Dee Dee’s bday celebration. After dinner, we went back to the ranch and fought as hard as we could to stay awake, but it was a loosing battle.

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