Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8: Bears Suck

In Gardiner MT right now, I have the next 3 days off. I worked a triple, not a double, a triple yesterday, all 3 meals. About 15 hrs on the clock, but it got me 3 days off in a row, and today is GORGEOUS. Pics above of the drive to Gardiner, the last one of my view of where I am typing right now. Drove through bear country again. Zero bears. Im actually starting to get pissed. It was funny, now its just stupid. 

Just got a text from Robbie and he let me know that one of the managers at the restaurant told him that I got the warehouse job. But he just told me I was gonna be a server? Organization = minor detail. Oh well, its a win win for KPo. 

If the weather stays like this, I will have some hiking and camping pics in a few days. Johnny and I are probably gonna at least go for a long hike if not camp as well over the next couple days. 

On the way up here, I stopped by the Mammoth location and got something to eat in their hotel restaurant and talked to a few of the employees there. They all swore that this place will turn to heaven in 3 weeks max as far as weather goes. Right on Mammoth. I can dig it. There is evidence to support this, on the way up here I noticed flowers that werent there a couple weeks ago...... Beeeeeeeeeeewyahl. I wanna wear shorts and get some sunburns already. 

I dont think I mentioned this, but Bozeman MT, every thursday in July and August, blocks off main st. for live music and street drinking. Sounds boring. No fun there. Maybe stop by the whitewater rafting spot on the way. Probably not. That wouldnt be any fun. Splash some whitewater then listen to local musicians and drink microbrews in perfect weather in the mountains?..... Pass. I am soooo pumped for more weather like this. It opens up so many more possibilities like that....

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