I cant stress enough how fast time flies here. I feel like I just wrote a blog and that was 10 days ago. Insane. I think I haven’t written in a while bc I have been working most of the time and my last weekend was shot due to an alcohol training program (hiliarious ‘80s video of people acting wasted so you know when to cut them off, mandatory) and a double on my “Monday” back, so my leisure time has been pretty limited the past 10 days. The good news… the GREAT news is that the weather has changed and it seems permanent. It has been 70s and sunny for about a week straight. Paradise. Shorts, tees, flip flops, windows down, all that. Im on a patio right now soakin up some rays (scorching my face) and typing this. Since I last posted, we have found time to sneak in a few things… We hiked up a hill off a trail to get a good look at Grand Prismatic. Since it has warmed up, the steam over the pool can be better described as vapor, so we knew we could get a good look at the pool, pics above. We got back to the trail and hiked about 5 miles to get a look at Fairy Falls, pic above. I cant tell you how much better everything is now bc the weather has turned. I don’t want to say its better with all these people here, but it is impressive to see everything in full swing. The Inn is a madhouse. PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. Dripping with people. The restaurant is pretty steady, sometimes slammed, but for the most part we have all adjusted to the increased volume. There is more car traffic here now than most major cities at rush hour. You don’t really notice til there is something (bison) blocking the road, or even just near the road, and you wait forever to get through behind 24687234698753986735496873 cars. There are purple and yellow flowers everywhere now, almost as common as buffalo turds. Almost.
The talk for this ‘weekend’ right now is Glacier National Park in northern Montana. Its only 7.5 hrs away which might sound like a lot, but we can get there in a day after work and still have daylight to work with. The weather is still pretty chilly there, so maybe we will do that trip in August or so. I havent been feeling the greatest the past few days, so I think I will just stay local and hit a few hikes. Win Win.
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