In the past few days I have waited on an Amish couple, the heaviest accent of French I have ever heard, and more kids who are parents to their parents. The Amish couple were interesting in the level of discomfort present during our exchanges. I would ask complex questions like, “What would you like to eat?” Silent stare. I thought to myself, “I must have mumbled. I’ll ask again.” I repeat, same response. “Would you like me to come back in a few minutes?... By your silence I will assume your answer is yes.” Walk away laughing, not at them, just how people can be. I tried to connect with them as best I could, I think they just don’t like us sinners. The French couple was really funny too bc I really didn’t assume anything when I approached their table. I introduced myself and asked them what they would like, they blankly stared at each other. The guy turned to me and said, “ I will hef dee beesawn beergiare.” Bison burger. I almost hi fived him right there. I spoke slowly and talked with them for a while, they were from Paris and were in the US for 3 months. I think they really had a good time, or maybe they just smiled a lot out of confusion, not really sure.
Today I worked a breakfast and a lunch shift in the restaurant. A lot of good people that I work with had the same schedule, so all day we debated the best way to spend the rest of day after work. We all agreed that swimming in Moose Falls would be the tops. After work, we all scrambled to our dorm rooms to pack a bag and a towel so we could get there while it was still warm. The drive to Moose Falls is about 45 minutes – 1 hr and we left around 430 so we were in a bit of a hurry. Myself, Lola, Matt, Robbie, and Lawrence all piled in Lawrence’s Volvo wagon, laughed the whole way with Erik and his wife Lana following behind us. When we arrived at Moose Falls, our friends Antonio, Wendy, Patrick and Chelsea were already there. We all jumped in and after a few minutes, about 4 more people from the restaurant showed up. We had a nice big group of awesome people. We hung out there for a couple hrs. We didn’t swim long, the water wasn’t that cold but the weather was getting a little chilly so we ended up just hanging by the water for quite a while. The sun started set, so we decided to head back and get a decent meal at the diner in the general store. Good day.
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