Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept 10: Jen and Ken Day 1... Elton takes over...

So I have been working like crazy since I have been back, mostly bc I was in STL for a week, but also bc I took Sat and Sun off bc my friend Jen was coming to Yellowstone. Jen and I met in Italy when we both attended a class in Italy and Greece. This class was offered to Central MO State and SEMO students. I went to CMSU and Jen went to SEMO. We met the first night, which was in Rome, along with my roommate and great friend Herman, and one of Jen’s best friends, Ashleigh. We all became really close right away and were amazing travel companions. Jen and I keep the travel tradition alive whenever possible. She had a free flight from Southwest so she decided coming to Yellowstone was a good way to spend it. I agree. She got in to Old Faithful around 6pm and we got reservations for dinner at the Inn, walked around the geyser basin, caught up, and laughed. A lot. We watched Old Faithful go off then went to the Inn for dinner. After dinner, there was a Halloween party at the employee pub. I got Jen a pass for the employee pub so she could attend. My friend Lola studied costume design in college and has lots of costumes, so we went over to her place to get outfitted for the party. My roommate Mena came along as well. I was originally going to be spongebob squarepants, but once I saw a leisure suit, I wanted to be a used car salesman. The used car salesmen was only a couple pinky rings, glittery platform shoes, a fancy scarf, a couple chains and a fur coat away from being Elton John, so I went with Elton instead since Lola and her roommate had all those items. Jen went as an M&M bc that was really all Lola had left. Trooper. Mena didn’t dress as anything, still not sure what happened there. We went to the pub and it was a blast. Well, I can only speak for myself, I had a blast. The costume was a big hit and I made the most of it by dancing like an idiot all night and causing a scene doing anything. It was getting pretty late, and I was pretty sweaty from my 100% polyester attire, it was time for bed. Jen had been up for almost 24 hrs at that point. Trooper. We went back to the dorm for a few hours of sleep before a long day of travel, amazing views, and laughs. 

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