Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Aug 24: The New Visitor's Center Grand Opening

Last night I went to Jackson (slopes in the background of the main intersection in Jackson above) just to get out of Yellowstone on my one day off, got some Mexican food, relaxed, walked around, then drove back on the prettiest night I can recall in my entire life. It was a full moon, so low and as bright as I have ever seen it. When I drove through stretches of thick forest, the moonlight would flicker through the evergreen trees. It was literally so bright in contrast to how dark the night was, I thought I was getting pulled over the first couple times it happened. It was casting distinct shadows in my car, bizarre.

On the 24th I had to work the baller function at the new visitors center at old faithful. This function was being held for all the company big wigs, senators, and private pimps who donated ungodly amounts of money for this new monstrosity to be built. The CEO of Coca Cola, Toyota, Conoco Phillips, some senators, Nat Park Service head honcos, and you know the company I work for had their top brass on display as well. It was an hor derve event, so I just walked around with a goofy grin on my face offering rack of lamb. Needless to say, they had some great food going around for these people. I didn’t really think about how the people attended treated the staff until after they went into the auditorium for a special presentation. I took some chocolate covered strawberries outside to the rangers on duty, and to some US Army soldiers in uniform for the grand opening festivites the following day. I got more thank yous and just plain manners out of 10 public servants than 220 snots. It doesn’t bother me, if I were at that function I probably would have crushed 40 lamb racks and not said much else to the server other than “How are you? Where are you from? How many more of these do you have in the back?” I just thought it was strange and pretty funny how different people are. I served the CEO of Xanterra (the company I work for) a piece of cake. He’s a tool. No question. No story, he was just kind of a douche. The pic above is almost all of us who worked the function in the new visitors center. Brett, kneeling in the front, wins for best pose. He and his wife Brittany who is right behind him are about to finish their contract here, road trip for a month or two, then move to California. Sounds terrible. We were out by 9pm or so. It was just really neat to be a part of such a great building that will be there for a long long time.

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