Right now I am sitting in my dorm room with my roommate Johnny, hes really cool, hes from florida but lives in arizona now, we get along like we’ve known each other for a while. We are getting snow absolutely dumped on us right now. It has literally gone from sunny to snowing heavily 3 times each today. Now its starting to stick because its been pretty cold for the past few days. I have training all week within walking distance and im all moved in, so it doesn’t bother me. The people working here said we are lucky bc most summer employees don’t get to see the park covered in snow and its so beautiful. They are 100% correct.
Today started really well. I was in bed early at the Super 8, slept well, and woke up right before my alarm went off at 5:30am. At breakfast I met a wiry guy from California, he had white hair, a healthy pony tail, really nice guy, turns out he is working here too and I will be working with him. His name is David and he will be in the kitchen at Old Faithful Inn. I knew the age range was wide, but I guess its different when you see it.
Check in started at 7am so I got there right before 7. The building was tucked away in a valley of snow capped mountains and rolling hills serving as a buffer on both sides. I was still not in the park, and it was amazing. I went through a couple of corrals for an hour or so, got the ID, the nasty burnt orange uniform, info, etc. Then it was time to enter the park for orientation. Boo MF yah. 25.5 hours of driving. Snow. Rain. Traffic. Finally.
Literally, the first bend I came around, there was a herd of bison blocking the road, maybe 30 of them, no other cars in sight. I laughed out loud. They were like a welcoming committee. How close should I get? Can I drive through them if I have enough room for my car to get through? I just sat back and let them do their thing. A van came up and passed me and maneuvered through them, so that answered my questions. As I followed suit, I could have reached out my window and pet a couple of them. They didn’t seem to care that Lola and I were there at all, even at an arms length away. They just went on marching to whatever they were after. It was sunny at this point and I had to follow a windy, climbing road to Mammoth Springs for orientation. The views just kept getting better and better.
Orientation was really informative, especially about bears. Every statement about bears started like this: “We’re not saying this to scare you…” As I looked around, they definitely scared some people. Once they said that you are 7 times more likely to be struck by lightning than attacked by a bear, I was cool. I thought, “Yeah, that might be true….. for people who don’t live amongst bears.” Whatever…. the people giving the talk have done this for over 20 yrs and never seen a case of a bear attack. Liars.
After orientation, which was at the very north end of the park, we had to meet at old faithful to get roommates and move in. Old faithful is at the southern end of the park. So I got to drive through 50 miles of Yellowstone. It was sunny, then snowed, sunny, then snowed, then sunny, all in 50 miles. Hot springs, everything lightly covered in snow, waterfalls, road construction, waterfalls, coyotes, bison, elk, fox, no bears. That’s really all I wanted to see. I would have settled for a moose. No moose either. I guess in time. The 50 mile drive took about an hour and a half. Good to know when I have to work and I am at the other end of the park.
When I finally found the dorms, I was assigned a roommate. I started moving my stuff into this room and the other guy was done and not there. It was weird. It didn’t feel right. I had been hanging out with this guy Johnny a bit before orientation and ate with him after, he is cool as hell. As I was transporting stuff from my car, I saw Johnny and he said he didn’t have a roommate yet. I about flipped. We went into the office and got it changed so I could move to his room. Johnny and I are roommates now and its awesome. We hung out all day yesterday and this is gonna make the experience even better. We like a lot of the same things and are looking to do a lot of the same activities while we are here. I still haven’t seen the guy I was assigned to room with…. And its right across the hall. Just saying, glad I switched.
The food for the employees is actually good. After Johnny and I ate dinner, we explored the old faithful inn. No visitors are staying here yet, so it is still empty and disorganized. All the rooms were open so we just checked everything out. I cant wait to see that monstrosity in full swing. People who have worked here before said that old faithful inn is where you can make some $. Good to know, but I am more concerned with seeing a bear.