Friday, May 7, 2010

Where are all the bears at?!

Today was shake down, the practice run with all the employees of the hotel eating in the dining room. It went well. 4 of the managers were seated in my section. When they were about to leave, they asked me a bunch of questions about my restaurant experience, said I did a great job and made a point to talk to me later as well = server = more $$$. Not saying that’s what I want, but if Im gonna be working in a restaurant, I would rather make more money doing similar work. I was also able to go up in "The Crow's Nest" in the Inn, it a like a tree house 50 ft up inside the all wooden inn.... back in the 30's, 40's and 50's it was the perch where the orchestra sat and played all night while the guests were in formal attire dancing on the main floor. They dont use it anymore since an earthquake in 1959 I think, and rarely open it up at all for anyone to go up there, but I got to go up, pic above. I went for my first run today since I have been here. I ran about 2 miles, it felt great. I brought my knife with me, bc people have been seeing bears recently, and you never know where cougars or bison might be. Not that a knife would do me any good against any of these animals in the wild, but I have cabin fever, needed to get out, it was relatively nice out, and at least I felt more safe with it. Once more visitors start showing up, the trails will be packed and the animals wont come around as much, so I wont have anything to worry about. Today however was a little tense. I only saw a total of 4 people on my run, and I think I saw 1 of them twice.  I went about a mile and half from Old Faithful then turned around and ran most of the way back, then walked for a bit. On my outbound 1.5 mile, it got pretty spooky. I was all by myself with a lot of open land, but it also had a lot of trees and bushes and things. You never really know whats around the bend or behind that bush. However, the only things I saw were some hot springs, a couple robins who I scared the shit out of, and bird that is so blue I didn’t think it was real. I had seen one a few days ago, but not this close. No big game though. Im actually a little disappointed. I wanted to see a bear, from a safe distance of course. I really don’t wanna run into a mountain lion at all. Not even through binoculars. I get the feeling that if you see one of those, the chances are, it has already seen you, and they are pretty unforgiving, where bears I hear are more likely to let it slide. Tomorrow the madness begins, the Inn opens for the season, wish me luck. 

1 comment:

  1. Found a great web site trying to find information on the bird in your photo....It's a mountain bluebird

    Keep it coming!
