Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 16: Finally saw a bear.... kind of.....

Yuck. I feel worse than I did yesterday by a mile. Not super bad, but not good enough to camp out. I decided to not to camp near Jackson, and just jump on some roads in GTNP that looked promising. First I had to meet with the warehouse manager. Did that, everything went really well. He said I should talk to my current supervisor. Did that too, she wants me to stay but understands, the 2 of them will talk, I will know more Tuesday when I go back to work.


This place knows how to do it. You can write your name down on a list at the EDR (employee dining room) for to-go meals (bagged lunches) if you are going camping, on a road trip, whatever. You can get up to 4, and you pick what you want from a list. I thought that was so awesome. I got 4 bc I had heard there were motels in Jackson that let Ystone employees stay at a discount or even free sometimes, so maybe I would stay the night there. I got some names of motels that have done it in the past, and set out for Jackson.


It was around 70 and sunny all day. Windows down, sunroof open (I have to be careful with the sunroof up here, the sun is pretty intense on my albino skin at sea level, bring me 8000 ft closer….. yikes.) The drive was amazing. Lots of forest, obviously mountains, and landscapes you see in movies and wonder where they shot that. Unreal, pics above, some of the way there, some of the way back. On the way there I opened 1 of the 4 bagged lunches for a snack. This was an official bagged lunched. This thing had a PBJ, doritos, a bottle of OJ, an apple, oreos, not sure why but they put some mustard and mayo in there, I almost wrecked I was so pumped (not about the mustard and mayo, but the bagged lunch on the overall). And I had 3 more of those babies in a little cooler sitting shotgun.


Jackson is a really cool town. They have everything. All different types of restaurants, shops, I really liked it there. I went to a few motels and asked about the discounts, apparently they don’t do the employee discounts anymore. I didn’t want to pay, at least not what they were asking. I even went to a hostel by the ski area about 20 miles outside Jackson and got the same story…. Im not sure they know this or not, but ski season is over. They should be giving those rooms/beds away. No big. Decided to drive the 1 ½ -2  hrs back to Yellowstone for a free night of good rest. Listened to some miles davis almost the whole way back and got in before the sun went down. Good day. 

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