Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 25: This Weather is Nuts

Bad news. The warehouse job I was supposed to get seems to have up and vanished like a fart in the wind. The manager over there told me to change my uniforms so I could start working in the warehouse. My current supervisor says the warehouse is fully staffed and she wont let me go over there if that’s the case… so I guess Im stuck in the restaurant. Oh well, more $ for KP.

My life has been a little boring to write or talk about the past few days. Working, the weather has made quite a turn for the worse, and Ive not been feeling the greatest. Put all those things together and you get a pretty boring few days. The weather has been cold and windy for the most part, nothing over 50 degrees for almost a week. The other night a foot of snow fell overnight. By noon of that day, it was all gone. Then the next day, it snowed all day and nothing stuck. And we arent talking flurries, I mean it was SNOWING. It really takes the explorer out of you when it is 40 degrees, snowing sideways, and super windy. Not ideal hiking weather. Not ideal "anything outside" weather. Lets just say my room is clean and my laundry is caught up. 

May 23 was my "saturday", and Robbie and I had cabin fever, and the weather was clear enough, so we decided to drive all over the park (bear hunt). We drove north to Mammoth, then to Roosevelt, Tower, Canyon (artists point, yes I know the pic of the canyon looks fake but its real, so amazing), then around the lake where snow was falling on the lake but not on the road, back home to Old Faithful, pics above. The loop we took is about 120 - 130  miles and it took us about 5 hrs to drive. A lot of different elevations, lots of different terrain/views, every kind of weather (sunny on the way up, cloudy for a bit, snowing at lake, mix falling at home), no bears. Unreal. And Debbie, we drove down Dunraven Pass. Just unlucky I guess. At one point in the mountains, the snow was chest high and it wasnt from the plows, it was untouched snow next to the roads and you could see the layers in it from the different times it had fallen, should have taken a picture. Some roads are still closed, and after that drive its easy to understand why. 


  1. Strap on the skis smarbloneus!!

  2. I think your current supervisor likes her hard workin Kenny P, maybe a bit of slacking or a dropped tray or two might tarnish the golden boy..... banish him to the warehouse!!!!
