Friday, May 7, 2010

The Inn is Open for Business!

Opening Day. Lack luster. Not many people at all. I think I had 7 tables total on my lunch shift. People drove from Tennessee who were coming by way of the Grand Canyon, Massachusetts, a couple about my age that were just roadtripping across the US together, this was their 39th day (or maybe it was their 39th state) on the road, I think they said they were coming from Seattle before they got to Yellowstone. They weren’t even staying in the park, just passing through. Ha. So awesome. It was actually somewhat nice today, really sunny all day, the wind wasn’t too bad, and I bet it made it up to 45 degrees. I talked to a lady today at lunch and she was trying to tell me that moose are really hard to find. BS, Lady. She said she has been here a few yrs and never seen one, and has really tried to find them. I will see a moose. And many bears. Its become somewhat of an obsession to see a bear. If bears were as elusive as moose, I’d cry. The rec center opened today for employees, they organize so much stuff for us, I cant wait. They have bear and wolf seminars next week, there is a hiking club, climbing classes, sand vball, so much more, so pumped. They really know how to do it right up here. Johnny and I have met people from other locations in the park who have been here for yrs who will show us around parts we aren’t familiar with (Mammoth, Roosevelt, Lake), so that will be nice to have a guide instead of going in blind when the time comes to explore those parts of the park. The road is still closed, so not yet...


Its weird bc some people are already leaving (going home) who started working when I did. WHAT?! Look around! Yeah, the money isn’t gonna be all that great for a few weeks (or at all depending on your job, but you had to know that coming in bc you signed off on your wage in the ppwk), and its cold now, and you do live in a dorm (again, knew that coming in) but perspective son!! In a month its gonna be packed with people from all over the world and you can do anything you want outdoors… Idiots.


Its Friday. I have been told when you work here, you never know what day of the week it is bc all the days feel the same. There is nothing to differentiate a Tuesday from a Saturday. There are always tons of people here, everything is always busy, doesn’t matter what day it is. Its strange bc its not even busy yet and I have lost all feeling as to what day of the week it is. Today really could be a Monday, I couldn’t tell you. Gotta be at work at 615am, I still have cell service as of now, so feel free to call whenever. 

The picture above has nothing to do with anything except that it has a bear in it, and it makes me laugh every time I look at it. 

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