Holy Doubles. I have worked 4 doubles in a row with another tomorrow. What they said is true, you really don’t know what day of the week it is bc they are all the same. Time does fly though. Last time I checked it was Tuesday, now its Friday. It is amazing here right now, the pic is out the window of the room I am typing in. Its about 65 and so nice out, and apparently its only gonna get nicer for the next couple days. Boo. Yah. I have no legs though, I have been working 12 hr days for 3 days straight. No big, my body just isn’t used to being on my feet for that long. Wanna go for a run so bad, but I have a double tomorrow too. I am off Sunday and Monday, so I think I am going to bring my camping and running gear to grand teton nat park and do some running, and if I feel like staying, oh, heres my camping stuff. The south entrance opened today, so it should only take a couple hours to get there, maybe less. Wish I had more to say, but I have lived in the restaurant for the past 3 days. Meeting lots of people from all over, Poland, Rolla MO, just about every state on the map, just trained a guy at work from Malaysia who goes to school in Singapore, lots of UK folks, Native Americans, and complete and total weirdos. This place draws quite a mix. The other night I met Johnny and Robbie at the employee pub after I got out of work, it was my first time. Its strange, I rode my bike up there and had to wear my head lamp bc its so dark along the path, but the stars are ridiculous. I had 2 tallboys of some Montana beer. As we were sitting there watching people on what is supposed to be a dance floor, there was one guy who used to be in the marines C walking (kind of, it was more like skipping) and on the other side of the dance floor (yes, im dead serious) was a guy doing Riverdance (he later tried to teach a girl how to Riverdance, super entertaining to watch) and another guy in the corner just killin it. I mean he was into whatever that dance was called. I cant even describe it really. High knees, Flailing arms, intense face, killlin it. He didnt care who was around, what song, who was watching, he just wanted to break it down. Hard. I don’t remember the song, but none of the genres fit, but I was so grateful. Thank you C walking marine who got arrested later that night for sleeping in the crows nest in the inn (major offense, jailed and fined $400 and had to pay $150 for a ride back from the jail in mammoth, not to mention he twisted his ankle really bad bc he was still so wasted as the rangers were escorting him out of the crows nest, he doesnt remember a thing), and thank you chef who Riverdanced his ass off to every song that came on, and a special thanks to the anonymous guy in the hoody who didnt give a F. You have made the last few days bearable. Ha, bear.
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