Youre going to have to trust me here, but there is a bear in one of those pictures. It looks way off in the distance, but it wasn’t THAT far away. I still don’t feel the hunger to see bears has been satisfied, but at least I can say I have seen one now. It was a black bear, and according to a civilian bear expert we stood next to, it was about 500 lbs. Looked more like 550 to me.
Today was the best weather day yet. 70s, light breeze, sunny, heavenly. I felt a lot better when I woke up today, so I went and played basketball for a while with my roommate, then went for a 2-3 mile run. The paths/trails are getting more crowded everyday. That’s good and bad. Its good so I don’t get eaten, but it sucks bc I have to run around people gawking and/or being general morons. I guess that is to be expected when you live in a national park with crazy shit all around.
I saw the bear when I was heading to West Yellowstone with Robbie. We were going to watch the Lakers Suns game. He is from LA so I assumed he was a Lakers fan, but he is a Suns fan. He is not from Arizona and never lived there. Go figure. So we were heading out there and saw so many bison. Let me speak on bison for a second. Bison, you are boring. Yes, you are large and not common to most folks, but cmon. Travel in smaller packs, stay off the roads, move faster, do more cool things than eat grass and/or look stupid.... So after seeing 2636868 bison with cars stopped to do their moron gawking, we approached yet another cluster of cars. I said to Robbie, “this better be a f@$%ing bear.” And for the first time in almost 3 weeks, it was. I almost started running at it. I was so pumped. But then I saw it was a black bear, not a grizzly. I guess it was a little disappointing. I don’t discriminate, just saying grizzlies are so badass and black bear seem like the sloths of the bear family. Still a bear, so Im not complaining. The bear was alone, which I thought was strange, so I kept turning around expecting to see a group of bears terrorizing the parked cars. But no such luck, it was just the solo bear and he/she wandered back into the woods as more people arrived to scare it off. So Robbie and I chatted up this older couple for a minute then got back on the road to west Yellowstone when we saw 2 bald eagles in the same tree. You can see them better than the bear pic.
We went to a bar called Bullwinkles in west Yellowstone. It was just like you would picture a bar in nowhere Montana. Small place, local people talking about local things, as many slot machines as bar seats, we stood out for being young, clean, and moderately educated. I envisioned that moment more than a few times before I got here… Sitting at a bar in the middle of nowhere Montana. Not sure why I looked forward to that, but I did, and as I was sitting there it caught up to me. It was a pretty cool feeling. We had a couple local beers and I sat and watched TV for the first time in probably a month. I mean I have watched a couple things on my computer and movies, but hadn’t said “Im gonna watch some tv” in a really long while. Moving, no access to a tv, etc. It was weird, I saw commercials for movies I didn’t know were coming out and I think they were already playing in theaters and I don’t feel like Ive been out of the loop that long at all. Sportscenter. Forgot how entertaining that is. I cant imagine how out of the loop Im gonna feel in Oct.
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